Humphreys Peak, Arizona(12,633ft.) 2009

Live Fast, Take Chances

Humphreys Peak, Arizona(12,633ft.) 2009

Humphreys Peak, Arizona(12,633ft.) DONE!!

Humphreys Peak is the highest mountain in Arizona and resides in Coconino County, in the northern part of the state. The top of the peak seams to be out of place in Arizona, almost giving you the feeling you’re not in Arizona anymore. It’s often referred to as “Arizona’s little Colorado.” Many people that don’t know anything about Arizona have no clue that there are 12,000-foot mountains in the state. The popular misconception is that Arizona is a flat desert with no trees or mountains and certainly not worth visiting.Humphreys Peak was named after General A. A. Humphreys who was a US chief of Engineers.The Humphreys Trail starts at the Arizona Snow Bowl. This is the standard approach. The trail is very well marked until you reach the saddle. The first 3 miles the trail gradually climbs the mountain, then the last 1 3/4 miles it gets steeper and more difficult. After the saddle the trail can be hard to find at spots near the top. There are posts added on the last 3/4 of a mile to help mark the trail. If you loose the trail look for the posts. It is very rocky and loose above 12,000 feet. The trail ascends 3 false summits before reaching the true summit.

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