Tag: crossfitnky

Live Fast, Take Chances

Fight Gone Bad 5

The FGB5 at Crossfit Northern Kentucky was a success. Thank you to all that donated, supported and participated in the event. Livestrong Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project and the Crossfit Foundation really appreciate your support.

Crossfit NKY Video

Rest day

Today, thursday, rest day,because everybody need a rest day…..

New Year WOD

40,30,20,10 overhead squats push jerks Time: 10:12 Happy New Year ! Mi primer workout del ano, este ano sera mucho mejor que el pasado,  tengo la lista de montanas que quiero escalar,poco a poco les dejare saber….buena suerte a todos


THE TRAIL HEAD & PARKING CAN BE FOUND AT MANCHESTER LANDING N39°03.782 W84°53.706 This is an easy micro cache, for logging only. Bring your own writing instrument – Thank you ! This is Cache 3 of 4 I have placed on the trail. —– Caution —– Rising Ohio River flood waters could effect this cache!!…
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