Tag: cincinnati

Live Fast, Take Chances

WOD ” Helen”

Warm up 2 rounds of: jump rope high kick spiderman lunge walk out hands reverse lunges dead bug 10 pushups 10 squats WOD   “HELEN” 3 rds. of: 400m run, 21 KBS, 12 pullups Time: 10: 14

Rest Day – Mtb Versailles State Park

Rest day at the crossfitnky My son Cristian and I went for a mountain bike ride to Versailles State Park, little bit muddy but that didn’t stop us. Great times….. ;”> MTB Versailles State Park 71209

Natural Bridge State Park, KY 6/22/09

Car camping with Edgar Soto family and Jose Tirado’s family. Great time…. Natural Bridge Park,KY 62209

Rest Day

WOD at Crossfitnky 6/15/09

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps 255,275,285,295,295 Five rounds for time of: 75 pound Thrusters, 21 reps 21 Double-unders (84 single unders ) 12:51 min.