Workot of the day- Back Squats
WOD Back Squats 3,3,3,3,3 185,210,230,255,275 mini Wod 3 rounds of: 10 kb clean 15 kb swing #35 10 up and down box 24″ with KB Time: 5:29
WOD Back Squats 3,3,3,3,3 185,210,230,255,275 mini Wod 3 rounds of: 10 kb clean 15 kb swing #35 10 up and down box 24″ with KB Time: 5:29
Boundary Peak (13,141ft) highest peak in Nevada. This one really kicked my a$$, but gave me the opportunity to work on my ice and rock climbing techniques. I chose the south west gully thinking it would be easier, but between the soft snow and the tremedous amount of scree(sliding rock). Right now I’m going to…
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Ramsey Cascades Ramsey Cascades is the tallest waterfall in the park and one of the most spectacular. Water drops 100 feet over rock outcroppings and collects in a small pools. The trail to the waterfall gains over 2,000′ in elevation over its 4 mile course and the 8-mile roundtrip hike is considered strenuous in difficulty.…
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The FGB5 at Crossfit Northern Kentucky was a success. Thank you to all that donated, supported and participated in the event. Livestrong Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project and the Crossfit Foundation really appreciate your support.